Words of love

If one day the sun disappeared, I have nothing to fear since my only sunshine, it's you.

I could lose everything I have, but I never want to lose someone like you in my life You're the reason I laugh, I smile and cry you're my heart I love you strong .

I burned my love for you on a tree it was broken I engraved on the sand that was erased I etched in my heart and you're stuck.

Disease die die life but nothing is harder than dying of love.

The love lives in wealth as in distress, poverty and beauty.

Love begins by giving importance and eventually ignorance.

The best things in life can not be seen, nor touched, but are felt only by heart.

Whatever ocean or desert, love has no boundaries.

It Seems that when one loves, one does not count, but I account every second spent without you.

You are my heart, my love, my joy, I tell you these few words you think, I love you and I can not live without you, every moment, every moment, I think about you a minute without you and I miss you already, then you my heart, accept me, take me in your arms, kiss me one last time.

Love is a feeling of belonging to a trusted person.

Love does not need a map because it can find its way blindfolded.

In this world love has no color, yet deeply détint yours on my body.

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