Sunday, November 18, 2012

What is true love?

true love
The true love is a deep friendship between a man and a woman, with all that that implies requirements, have given each other their whole person.
Love is the most beautiful gift of God. Illumine it all our lives. It turns toothily is like a sun that gives color, warmth and happiness in all that we do.

Love is not so easy, so banal, and so obvious that it could. None, it is not just a few heartbeats, feeling a passenger, or simple donation of bodies.

Love can not settle for mediocrity it is never enough of "almost". Love is demanding: it requires sacrifices and efforts.

True love will associate.  Reason and will involve voluntary acts, will require discipline. This love recognizes the need for personal development and it can be put in place when the obsessive love has. True love is to meet the needs of the person.  Well, flourish and let the other we love his. True love is an exchange where each partner gives the best of him to another and receives reciprocity.

Being in love is radically changing our behavior, both in moments of presence of the loved one in times of absence.
The joy of loving and being loved becomes the smallest details of daily life, even those who previously appeared not assume any importance to our waiting.  The presence of the beloved is transformed into intense moments of joy, hope, happiness.  Events, however small they may be, life shared experiences in two are suddenly a different value.
I love true
The happiness of a person to be recognized as unique in the immensity of human beings, the joy of choosing someone very special among the mass of boys and girls we meet are the joys that we want eternal as they are powerful and luminous in our .  First enters our lives and suddenly a new world opens.  Meeting is without doubt one of the strongest moments of life, a discovery that we live intensely.

There is the love and respect in this respect comes from knowing more profound one.
To love is to dream all things.  People who love their dreams become complicit in marriage, home, children, professional success of one and the other, social involvement, vacation...

It is said that love is an emotion. Emotion is energy in motion, with ups and basal emotion love can survive only if it be maintained. "It's time that I give my rose pink that makes my important

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