Monday, November 19, 2012

What is love - Real

The term love and covers multiple meanings depending on the context:

Love is an attraction to a certain being. This can then be sexual, emotional or rational.

By extension, it is a strong feeling of affection for a special person, an object or an abstract entity: love of parents for children, love of country, gambling, luxury, etc...

It means sometimes sexual orientation. The expression and making love is a euphemism for

Desire to do good for others.

Here are some different meaning you can find it by and by. But I prefer to speak of true love.

We can better understand the importance of love in our life, when we read the various quotes on this subject:

"There is no difference between a wise and a (an) idiot (e) when they fall in love.’

"Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all sins.’

"When you have love in your heart, peace will reign in you.’

"Be love, joy and peace in this world without peace.’

"For the love you can get everything, even what you think impossible.’

"Love is not just a feeling, it is also an art.’

"The magic of first love is to ignore it may end one day.’

"Distance is to love what wind is to fire, it kindles the great and the small off.’

"Rather than argue about love, make love and we do not talk anymore."

"The word love is difficult to combine: the past is not simple, its present is only indicative, and its future is always conditional.’

"I'm surer of myself than love: maybe I lie, but love me wrong," declared one day a schizophrenic who had fallen in love. '

"Love is the only thing that cannot be separated."

"Better to love without love being in hell in paradise."

Of course, I'm not going to explain these words of love. Because I believe love is much more valuable at the same time complicated. That said, I must say that this is the man who makes it complicated, because love itself is feeling the purest and simplest that bring us joy and happiness.

In this case, the question we ask is:

If love should bring us happiness and joy, in this case, why it is often accompanied by pain?

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